
Spring 2021 – Janice is settin up a series o workshops fir Secondary Skweel Students fae the North East. They’ll be rin remotely ower Zoom fir ten, wan-oor saissins.

Students’ll get tae ken the repertoire o ballads sung in the North East an learnt tae sing them. The sangs’ll be teachit bi ear sae nae formal, musical trainin is needit. An ither aim o the project is fir the bairns tae stairt tellin thir ain stories bi singin them an, Covid allowin, fir the bairns tae pit on a pirformance o auld an new sangs as a ceilidh project in the simmer.


Spring 2021 – Janice is setting up a series of workshops for Secondary School Students from the North East. These will be run remotely through Zoom over ten, one-hour sessions.

Students will be introduced to the repertoire of ballads sung in the North East and taught to sing them. The songs will be taught by ear so no formal, musical training is necessary. An aim of the project is for the group or, singers from the group, to begin to tell their own stories through the medium of song and, Covid allowing, for the group to stage a performance of old and new songs as the “showcase” for the project in the summer.